Why we love Mobile and Strongloop’s LoopBack framework

SoftStack Factory is much more than a Coding Bootcamp, here we believe we can change the future of technology instruction, starting by introducing young individuals to the world of coding and changing their future perspectives. But more than a teaching place, we also have a team of experienced developers that love creating exciting apps for enterprise, consumers and start-ups. Our mentors and developers use their expertise to elaborate amazing solutions in the form of mobile applications and use that experience to support their teaching.

We believe that mobile technologies are ever increasing in our daily lives. Mobile will continue to play a big part in the future of technology, this is why we focus on creating mobile Hybrid Applications. Our phones have the power of track our physical exercises, navigate our cars, create dinner reservations, plan our budget for the month, access our bank accounts, connect us to all around the world and much more.

So, since we focus on creating mobile applications, we use the best tools to efficiently deliver mobile applications across different device platforms. We already wrote about Ionic Framework and why we love to use it, today we would like to talk about another framework that we like to use, LoopBack, by San Mateo, Calif., company StrongLoop that was acquired last year by IBM.

LoopBack is a highly-extensible, open-source Node.js framework for creating APIs and connecting them with backend data sources. It is built with a very intuitive API explorer, that allows you to save time, it simplifies testing of APIs and provides self documentation for your API’s. It also comes with some built in APIs and has a lot of advantages and features. You can quickly creates dynamic end-to-end REST APIs, connects devices and browsers to data and services, also uses Android, iOS, and AngularJS SDKs to easily create client side apps, adds-on components for push, file management, 3rd-party login, and geolocation.  StrongLoop Arc to visually edit, deploy, and monitor LoopBack apps and runs on-premises or in the cloud are advanced features you can try and continue to use for a fee.

Because you can get a lot of out of the box, LoopBack saves you a lot of manual work and it allows you to focus on the business aspects and the product specific problems and logic!

You can check their website if you want to find out more: http://loopback.io/